Alyssa Ghirardelli
Alyssa has been with NORC since 2013 and is based in the Sacramento office where her work focuses on behavior change through population health, communication, and social marketing research.Alyssa has experience with formative research including segmentation, message development and concept testing, focus groups, key informant interviews and qualitative methodologies. She also has experience with quantitative methods including program and campaign evaluation, instrument design and measures development, cognitive testing, management of large surveillance surveys through multiple modes as well as developing and conducting trainings for field survey administration. Her main content areas of expertise include, maternal/child/adolescent health, mental health stigma reduction/prevention and early intervention/access to services, health equity and disparities, and obesity prevention.
Her work has included projects for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation Agency for Children and Families, CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, Overweight and Obesity, California Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity, California Department of Health Care Services, California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA), Covered California and Genetic Alliance.
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Appointments & Affiliations
Registered Dietitian
Commission on Dietetic Registration
Project Contributions
opens in new tab"Promoting Health Equity and Population Health: How Americans' Views Differ."
Journal Article | November 21, 2016
opens in new tab"Usage and Recall of the Food Stamp Office Resource Kit (FSORK) by Food Stamp Applicants in 4 California Counties."
Journal Article | July 26, 2011
opens in new tab"Reliability of a Retail Food Store Survey and Development of an Accompanying Retail Scoring System to Communicate Survey Findings and Identify Vendors for Healthful Food and Marketing Initiatives."
Journal Article | July 26, 2011
opens in new tab"Using an Opinion Poll to Build an Obesity-Prevention Social Marketing Campaign for Low Income Asian and Hispanic Immigrants: Report of Findings."
Journal Article | July 26, 2011
opens in new tab"Geographic Information Systems and Local Food Store Data in California's Low-Income Neighborhoods to Inform Community Initiatives and Resources."
Journal Article | July 26, 2010
opens in new tab"Geographic Information Systems and Local Food Store Data in California's Low-Income Neighborhoods to Inform Community Initiatives and Resources."
Journal Article | July 26, 2010