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Eric Lopez

Eric’s experience in data collection involves managing some of NORC’s largest and highest impact survey project data collection.

Eric is director at NORC’s Telephone Survey & Support Operations (TSSO) department. His role within TSSO encompasses overseeing the department’s information technology program. Additionally, he plays a key role in facilitating the department’s operations, ensuring smooth workflow processes and efficiency of allocation of resources.

Eric's leadership and expertise are in his management of significant survey projects within NORC. Notably, he has played a pivotal role in the expansion of the AmeriSpeak project suite in TSSO, contributing to its growth and impact. Furthermore, Eric has overseen the phone data collection management of the VoteCast survey project, a flagship initiative during election years, demonstrating his ability to navigate complex projects with precision and efficiency. Additionally, his involvement in establishing NORC's data collection across different facilities showcases his strategic vision and operational acumen, as he helped developed business workflows, and recruited initial staff members. Throughout these endeavors, Eric has provided leadership to senior operations to meet department and companywide goals and objectives.