Eric R. Brown
Eric is a mixed-methods researcher who uses culturally responsive and equitable evaluation approaches to bring underrepresented voices into research and evaluations. He also provides technical assistance and evaluation capacity building for practitioners working in education and nonprofit sectors. Eric’s approach is informed by his experiences as a social worker and community-engaged researcher, which taught him how intentional community-level partnerships can help address critical problems and advance knowledge in the field.
Eric was the project director for the Youth and Teen Math Mindset Study, which explored students’ experiences in math class and their attitudes and views about math. His other NORC projects include providing technical assistance and evaluation support to AmeriCorps grantees, evaluating a scholarship and mentorship program for first-generation students to pursue undergraduate degrees, examining a federal initiative to promote more underrepresented minorities in pursuing STEM degrees and assessing distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic for Indigenous students lacking access to broadband services.
Prior to NORC, Eric studied perceptions of school racial climate in racially diverse school contexts, examined the middle school to high school transition, investigated teacher evaluation reform in a large, urban public school district, and evaluated a data-practice collaborative to support practitioners’ data use in schools. Eric also researched community-based out-of-school time programs including a digital media learning lab in a public library that primarily served youth from racial/ethnic minority backgrounds.
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Northwestern University
University of Chicago
The City College of New York
“Research Brief 5: Exploring Hispanic/Latinx Students’ Perceptions of Parental Support for Math and Equitable Instructional Practices in Math Class”
Research Brief | June 3, 2024
“Summary Report: Exploring Patterns in Students’ Math Mindsets and Experiences, and Their Math Achievement (Case Study)"
Research Brief | June 3, 2024
“Research Brief 2: Exploring the Math Journeys of Black/African American Teens ”
Project Report | January 20, 2008
“Research Brief 3: Exploring the Math Journeys of Latino American Teens”
Project Report | January 20, 2008