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Lindsay Arends

Lindsay is a skilled strategist who helps NORC and its clients maximize their impact through targeted communication programs.

As senior director of the Strategic Communications department, Lindsay works directly with research teams to plan and deliver communications services and campaigns that extend the reach and impact of NORC’s research on behalf of its clients. She is also responsible for NORC’s external communications and promoting its positive reputation through marketing communications, new business and product launches, business development support, identity and messaging, digital communications and social media, and creative services.

Lindsay partnered with other senior members of the Strategic Communications team and an outside brand consultant to develop NORC’s current visual brand and messaging. She also led the creation of NORC’s website. Additionally, Lindsay served as the communications lead for the creation and launch of NORC solutions including VizStudio, Amplify AAPIForesight 50+, and The Bridge at NORC. Lindsay supports many NORC client projects including the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS), NORC Expert Panel on Firearms Data Infrastructure, and Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies.

Lindsay has nearly 20 years of experience working with and consulting for numerous nonprofits, professional associations, and government organizations spanning across the science, technology, health, and business sectors. Before joining NORC, Lindsay served as the communications lead for the American Association of Opinion Research (AAPOR) of which NORC is a founding organization member.



Michigan State University

Honors & Awards

President’s Award | 2023, 2017

NORC at the University of Chicago

Project Contributions

2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education

Examining early care and education after major disruption


Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in the Department of Health and Human Services

The General Social Survey

The most rigorous, widely used data on the attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of the American public


The National Science Foundation

Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS)

The most comprehensive source of data on Medicare spending and the evolving needs of beneficiaries


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services