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Noah Bassel

Senior Statistician
Noah is an expert in sample design, weighting, estimation of variance, and data analysis using methods such as latent class analysis and small area estimation.

Noah is a senior statistician in the Statistics & Data Science department. Noah has over 10 years of experience in statistical analysis and survey design, with a focus on sampling and weighting methods, variance estimation, imputation, statistical programming, and modelling.

Noah is part of a team of statisticians overseeing sampling and weighting for the 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) a nationally representative study that documents the use and availability of childcare and early education (CCEE) across the United States. He is the lead architect of sample design and weighting for the household survey component of the 2024 NSECE and provides statistical expertise for analysis of survey data from the 2012 and 2019 NSECE.

Noah also provides expertise in sampling and statistical analysis of rare and hard-to-reach populations, both via traditional survey sampling and small area methods. His current projects include the Sampling Strategies and Measure Development for the LGBT Aging Project (SAMLAP), a pilot study of older LGBT adults. In the past he has also brought this expertise to a multi-mode survey of families and students enrolled in Bureau of Indian Education operated and Tribally Controlled Schools.

Prior to joining NORC, Noah had an accomplished career as a mathematical statistician at the US Census Bureau’s Economic Statistical Methods Division, where he specialized in establishment surveys. He won the Census Bureau’s Bronze Medal Award in 2020 for his 2019 redesign of the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances, collaborated in research on the use of small area methods in the Bureau’s local government surveys, and was part a division-wide team charged with researching the production of synthetic microdata from the Economic Census.

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Columbia University


Yale University

Honors & Awards

Bronze Metal Award | 2020

U.S. Census Bureau

Project Contributions

Survey of Consumer Finances

The only fully representative source of data on the financial condition of U.S. households


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System