Weihuang Wong
Weihuang is a principal data scientist in the Methodology & Quantitative Social Sciences department at NORC. Since joining NORC in 2018, Weihuang has worked on a variety of large-scale data collection and analysis projects in the health and education fields. Weihuang develops tools and processes to enhance data quality, researcher productivity, and analytic reproducibility. His expertise has been applied to a range of tasks spanning the entire data life cycle, including sampling frame construction, data collection monitoring, codebook production, synthetic data generation, and program evaluation. Weihuang is experienced in leading data science teams to perform data production and analytic tasks across a variety of domains as well as working with industry and government partners to co-produce novel data products and practice-oriented research.
For the National Survey of Early Care and Education, a nationally representative study that characterizes the use and availability of early care and education in the United States, Weihuang directed the production of data collection performance metrics, which allowed field managers to intervene proactively to ensure data collected are of a high quality. Weihuang also led a team that built a metadata documentation system, reducing the time and cost of producing analytic datasets and accompanying documentation for data consumers. For the Admitted Class Evaluation Service, an online service developed for the College Board, Weihuang led a team that maintained and enhanced a platform for data analysis and report generation at scale. For the Synthetic Healthcare Data for Research project, Weihuang researched and implemented machine learning methods for synthetizing healthcare data for population health research, and led an implementation team of statisticians and data scientists.
At MIT, Weihuang was a member of the Political Methodology Lab in the political science department, where he helped to develop open-source software for statistical analysis. Weihuang was previously a portfolio manager at a large sovereign wealth fund, where he was a member of a team that oversaw a global portfolio of corporate bonds and fixed income derivative instruments, and developed a system for monitoring and managing the portfolio’s risk profile.
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Stanford University
Project Contributions
opens in new tab"Using National Synthetic Data to Conduct Health Services Research."
Journal Article | February 16, 2022
opens in new tab"The American Dream and Support for the Social Safety Net: Evidence from Experiment and Survey Data."
Working Paper | December 12, 2018
opens in new tab"Our Town: Support for Housing Growth When Localism Meets Liberalism."
Working Paper | November 11, 2018
opens in new tab"Politics, Institutions and Diversified Business Groups: Comparisons across Developed Countries."
Book | April 13, 2018