Career Paths of U.S. Doctorate Holders in STEM: 2021
December 2023
The data visualization allows users who hover over a circle in the visualization to explore bar charts showing the percentage of doctorates working in different employment sectors: an educational institution, government, and business or industry.
Data from the Survey of Doctorate Recipients inform program and policy decisions of businesses, government agencies, and universities.
The Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR) is the only comprehensive source of data on the careers of the most highly trained scientists and engineers coming out of U.S. educational institutions. The SDR provides essential data on the education and training, work experience, career development, and demographics of this critically important population.
The Survey of Doctorate Recipients website includes interactive graphics that allow users to explore the data by the field of their doctorate, retirement patterns, and more.
This visualization was created by NORC’s VizStudio, a creative community of experts who turn complex data into compelling visual stories.