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Dissemination of AHRQ’s On-Time Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program

A person with wrinkled hands sits
Disseminating a safety program to nursing homes and then assessing its impact
  • Funder
    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Dates
    September 2015 - January 2018

Project Overview

Conducted for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), this project disseminated the On-Time Pressure Ulcer Prevention program to 50 nursing homes and assessed the effect of the program on reducing pressure ulcers. Additionally, the project provided AHRQ with information about the recruitment, training, and implementation methodologies employed in support of the dissemination.

Implementation & Support

NORC partnered with Stratis Health, a quality improvement organization, to provide facilitation and technical assistance to the participating nursing homes in implementing the On-Time Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program. NORC and Stratis Health developed plans for the nursing home recruitment, established eligibility and participation criteria, and trained facilitators on the implementation steps. Stratis Health provided facilitation implementation and technical assistance.

Analysis & Results

In conjunction with Dr. Tamara Konetzka at the University of Chicago, NORC conducted the analysis to assess the impact of the intervention on reported pressure ulcer rates, using data provided by the participating nursing homes and secondary sources, including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Minimum Data Set (MDS), Nursing Home Compare, and CASPER. Results from the project were published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

Project Director

Senior Research Director

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