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NORC has researched the prices and consumption of a wide variety of goods and services to inform policy and business decisions for decades.

The prices of goods and services influence what businesses and individual consumers buy and how confident they feel about the state of the economy and their prospects within it. NORC researchers have the extensive expertise in diverse subject matter and technical knowledge to track and forecast a wide range of metrics. Data from the triennial Survey of Consumer Finances are used to inform monetary policy, tax policy, consumer protection, and a variety of other policy issues.

NORC researchers are also exploring how pricing and the availability of pricing information inform how people with high-deductible insurance plans use medical care and how families make long-term care decisions.

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Prices & Consumption Experts

Highlighted Projects

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Price Surveys

Weekly data collection of the nation’s regular gasoline and on-highway diesel fuel prices


U.S. Energy Information Administration

Residential Energy Consumption Survey

A periodic survey measuring U.S. households’ energy use to inform policymaking


Energy Information Administration at the U.S. Department of Energy