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Alexandre Monnard

Senior Research Scientist

Alex is a multisector expert in mixed-methods research and evaluation, with a focus on francophone countries.

Alex is an evaluation and development specialist with 12 years of research experience in a range of development sectors, including entrepreneurship and livelihoods, youth programming, food security and nutrition, political participation and access to justice, citizen security and violent extremism, and export promotion and value-chain development. He provides technical and managerial oversight to large, high-profile research projects for clients and donors with a special focus on francophone countries.

Most recently, Alex served as the team lead for the USAID mixed-methods Assessment of Women’s Political Participation and Leadership in Guinea and the LACLEARN Haiti Citizen Security Assessment. He also served as subject matter expert for the evaluations of resilience and food security programs including Victory against Malnutrition Plus in Burkina Faso and Yaajeende in Senegal, as well as for a youth assessment in Tanzania and the performance evaluation of USAID/Jamaica’s Social Enterprise Boost Initiative. He also led field work in Côte d'Ivoire for U.S. Department of Labor’s 10-year study on child labor in West Africa’s cocoa sector and for USAID’s Resilience for Peace. Alex also managed the technical, operational, and business aspects of several activities under USAID’s Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) and Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance – Learning, Evaluation, and Research (DRG-LER) I and II.

Prior to joining NORC, Alex was a Research Associate at Optimal Solutions Group where he conducted research and evaluations for USAID, the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the National Institute of Standards (NIST). He evaluated USAID projects in Armenia and Palestine, as well as the SBA’s Regional Innovation Clusters Initiative and other programs seeking to support small business growth and innovation and to develop regional supply chains.

Prior to this, Alex was a Modeling Analyst for Standard & Poor’s, enabling institutional investors to stress-test a range of asset-backed securities. He also interned for World Hope International and traveled to Haiti shortly after the 2010 earthquake.

Project Contributions

Gender Violence Prevention in Democratic Republic of Congo

Assessing USAID-funded program for community-based trauma healing at the village level


U.S. Agency for International Development

Latin America & Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response

Helping USAID respond quickly to democratic backsliding, citizen security, and governance challenges


U.S. Agency for International Development

Reading & Access Evaluations

Generating evidence to inform USAID’s early grade reading and access to education programs


U.S. Agency for International Development

Research Technical Assistance Center

Leveraging expertise of academic institutions worldwide to inform USAID’s policies and programming


U.S. Agency for International Development

Tanzania Data for Development Activity

Improving education, health, poverty, governance, and economic development


U.S. Agency for International Development

Ukraine Monitoring & Learning Support

Providing top quality performance monitoring, GIS services, media monitoring, and surveys


U.S. Agency for International Development

Women’s Political Participation and Leadership

Enhancing USAID’s understanding of women’s political participation and leadership around the globe


U.S. Agency for International Development