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Ukraine Monitoring & Learning Support

A woman straightens the stands in a Ukrainian library
Providing top quality performance monitoring, GIS services, media monitoring, and surveys
  • Client
    U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Dates
    2020 – Present


USAID wants to learn and adapt in support of their country strategy in Ukraine. 

The USAID Mission in Ukraine wanted to use data effectively to monitor, understand, and learn from the implementation of its 2018-2023 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), the goal of which was to support an independent, democratic, prosperous, and healthy Ukraine united around core European values. USAID also sought support adapting to a fluid environment and making informed decisions on strategy and funding.


NORC is gathering and analyzing data to help USAID make informed decisions.

NORC is providing the USAID Mission in Ukraine with high quality monitoring, evaluation, and learning services, including:

  • Indicator review and strengthening and MEL planning 
  • Data quality assessments of outcome indicators
  • Surveys, special studies, and assessments
  • Data visualization
  • GIS mapping and analytical expertise
  • Media monitoring


NORC has contributed to new and improved knowledge use across the Mission.

Our staff in Ukraine helped develop a new and improved Performance Management Plan (PMP) including visualizations and disaggregation to better understand progress towards achieving objectives and the impacts USAID-funded projects are having on Ukraine. 

We reviewed data for potential indicators of democracy and governance and developed a methodology to measure the cost of corruption.

We employed GIS expertise to map USAID implementer activities, key outcomes, and other variables of interest. After the Russian invasion, we developed an interactive map tracking the location of USAID and USAID implementer staff.

We conducted an Evaluation Utilization Rapid Assessment to examine how evidence produced by evaluations was used and produced data placemats conveying progress achieved by the Mission over the first half of the Country Development Cooperation Strategy.

We completed a Brand Awareness study including focus groups with youth and a survey which described the perception of USAID activities in Ukraine.

Our other analytic products include a review of corruption data, an analysis of disinformation in the media, and a survey of Ukrainians outside Ukraine.

Project Leads

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