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Daniel Krauss

Senior Data Scientist
Daniel’s primary focus areas are applied data science, statistics, and reporting.

Dan is a senior data scientist at NORC and brings years of expertise in healthcare research, applying advanced econometrics, programming, and claims data analysis. He conducts research and analysis on a range of public health and health policy topics. His role focuses on designing efficient, scalable software frameworks and workflows for complex data environments, ensuring projects are supported by modular, well-documented processes. With a strong foundation in statistical methodologies, Dan excels at translating complex data findings into actionable insights that address client needs. He is dedicated to making data science an integral part of project success, enhancing decision-making through data-driven strategies.

Daniel supports evaluations of novel Center for Medicaid and Medicare Innovation payment models, including ACO REACH, the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization model, and Pennsylvania’s Rural Health Global Budget Model. He also conducts claims analysis and predictive analytics for projects such as the Reducing Health Disparities through Quality Improvement project. Daniel contributes to data quality and production tasks for several of NORC’s claims hosting projects. Daniel has also performed analytics in support of quality improvement and patient safety projects including the American Hospital Association’s Hospital Improvement and Innovation Network (HIIN) and the AHRQ Safety Program for Intensive Care Units: Preventing CLABSI and CAUTI projects.

Prior to joining NORC, Daniel worked as a senior analyst at Market Strategy Group, where he honed his skills in data visualization and healthcare analytics. Notably, he developed a nationwide data visualization tool during the AHA Healthcare Hackathon to identify vulnerable populations impacted by Medicaid section 1115 waiver work requirements. These pre-NORC accomplishments underscore his commitment to advancing health care analytics through innovative data solutions, laying the foundation for his contributions at NORC.

Daniel is a co-author of a study on quality improvement for CLABSI/CAUTI prevention in ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic (Krauss et al., 2022).



The University of Chicago


The University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy


Grinnell College

Project Contributions

Florida Transparency Initiative for Health Care

Developing a tool to help consumers compare health care costs and quality


Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI)

Evaluation of the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization Model

Assessing CMS’s innovative ACO model to improve outcomes and reduce costs for Medicare beneficiaries


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Evaluation of the ACO REACH Model

Evaluating the ACO REACH model that is transitioning Medicare from fee-for-service to value-based care


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Health Care Cost Institute Research Database

Managing one of the nation’s largest multi-payer claims databases to drive insights into health care spending trends


Health Care Cost Institute

Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model

Assessing efforts to improve the financial health of rural hospitals and maintain access to care


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
