Y. Michael Yang
Michael principal statistician at NORC at the University of Chicago. He is generally responsible for developing methods for sample frame construction, sample design and selection, data editing and cleaning, nonresponse analysis and weighting, missing data imputation, variance estimation, and complex survey data analysis for government and public interest projects. Michael has 27 years of statistical consulting experience.
Michael has led or participated in designing many complex survey samples including the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR), Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program (ADAM), Entrepreneurship in the Population Survey (EPOP), and the AmeriSpeak Panel. Michael has also served as project director for some NORC studies, including Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP), Development of Improved QCEW Confidentiality Processing Methodologies, and National Compensation Survey Variance Estimation. Michael is currently the Statistics Lead for NORC’s AmeriSpeak Panel, leading a team of statisticians and methodologists to support panel sample design, panel recruitments, panel maintenance, panel weighting and imputation, statistical research, and client surveys based on AmeriSpeak Panel samples.
Prior to joining NORC, Michael was Senior Statistician and Methodologist at the Gallup Organization where he led sampling, weighting, and variance estimation for many projects. From 2007 to 2010, Michael served as Chief Statistician at the Survey Research Center at ICF International where he led the development of sample design, weighting and imputation procedures, variance estimation methods, and technical reporting for many surveys of the military and veteran populations.
Michael serves on the Advisory Board of the Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics (SJIOAS). He is a member of the Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights of the American Statistical Association. He is also a past Program Chair of the Government Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association.
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University of Massachusetts
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing University
Appointments & Affiliations
Emphasis Editor and Advisory Board Member
Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics (SJIAOS)
Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights, American Statistical Association
Program Chair
Government Statistics Section, American Statistical Association
Project Contributions
Nationwide Survey Releases Second Year of Data and Resources on Entrepreneurship to Policymakers and Researchers
Press Release | December 3, 2023
NORC Launches Valuable New Resource on U.S. Entrepreneurship
NORC Article | December 1, 2022
opens in new tab"Using Statistical Matching to Account for Coverage Bias When Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples."
Journal Article | August 26, 2020
"Total Survey Error: Approaches for Measuring Bias and Variance Components When Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples."
Journal Article | August 26, 2019
opens in new tab"Evaluating Estimation Methods for Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples through a Simulation Study."
Journal Article | August 26, 2019
opens in new tab"Estimation Methods for Nonprobability Samples with a Companion Probability Sample."
Journal Article | August 26, 2018
Tracking the Careers of STEM Doctorates
Interactive | March 1, 2018
opens in new tab"Findings from the National Education and Employment Survey: Wave 1 and Wave 2."
Project Report | April 13, 2017