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Advancing Research & Communication in STEM

Elementary science student using plastic atom model educational toy
Raising the nation’s learning curve on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
  • Client
    National Science Foundation
  • Dates
    October 2008 - March 2016


The United States has fallen short on teaching STEM subjects.

While other countries are raising their game on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), the U.S. continues to lag behind. American students must become more proficient in these STEM subjects to remain competitive in an increasingly global economy.


NORC launched a comprehensive project to improve STEM education.

Our project, run by the Center for Advancing Research & Communication in STEM (ARC-STEM), looked at ways to boost STEM learning both inside and outside the classroom. With $6 million in federal funding, ARC-STEM collaborated over six years with more than 300 researchers in the National Science Foundation’s Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering program, known as REESE.

ARC-STEM’s mission was threefold:

  • Produce rigorous evidence of what works to improve STEM instruction and learning
  • Encourage discovery and innovation across disciplines and institutions
  • Gather, synthesize, and disseminate findings to a variety of stakeholders, including instructors and policymakers

ARC-STEM also promoted wide adoption of workforce development strategies by advancing understanding of factors that dissuade students from taking STEM classes and pursuing careers in STEM fields.


A new, effective ecosystem for supporting the research needed to help educators and policymakers promote STEM.

The ARC-STEM project has fostered a community to nurture a new generation of scientists. It has made strides to encourage an understanding of the many barriers that prevent young people from pursuing education and careers in STEM. ARC-STEM has also promoted awareness of the REESE program and its contributions to STEM learning. 

Learn More About the Project

For more information about the Center for Advancing Research & Communication:

Project Leads

“The center demonstrated the value of providing ongoing technical support to researchers of all educational backgrounds and levels of expertise.”

Vice President

“The center demonstrated the value of providing ongoing technical support to researchers of all educational backgrounds and levels of expertise.”

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