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NORC partners with a variety of education stakeholders to deliver state-of-the-art, evidence-based technical assistance that improves access and outcomes.

Schools are always striving to serve their students more effectively. Well-researched, carefully planned, and thoughtfully executed technical assistance (TA) can help ensure that students, teachers, and administrators improve outcomes and achieve lasting structural change. 

We offer TA on every element of program improvement, implementation, capacity building, and sustainability. Our TA services range from needs sensing and strategic planning to implementing communities of practice and professional development. To support a wide range of education topics, we maintain a pool of highly experienced subject matter experts, ensuring that our services are tailored and meet the highest quality standards. We have extensive knowledge of federal, state, and local education systems and experience supporting key program offices in the U.S. Department of Education. Our services are grounded in evidence-based, equitable, and culturally responsive practices.

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Technical Assistance & Training Experts

Highlighted Projects

Advancing Research & Communications in STEM

Raising the nation’s learning curve on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics


National Science Foundation

Emerging Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for People Aging with HIV

Helping HRSA evaluate strategies to improve the health of older adults with HIV


Health Resources and Services Administration

Ready Classroom Mathematics Curriculum Evaluation

Correlating the use of Ready Classroom Mathematics with student achievement


Curriculum Associates, LLC

Improving the Institutional Transformation Assessment

Adding a state policy rubric to enhance a self-assessment tool for colleges


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Cost Analysis in Practice (CAP) Project

Support and guidance for education researchers conducting cost analysis


Institute of Education Sciences (via Teachers College, Columbia University)

Adolescent SBIRT Initiative: Preparing the Health Professional Workforce

Preparing Health Professionals to Screen and Intervene for Youth Substance Use and Mental Health Risk


Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Spence-Chapin Adoption Study

Helping an adoption agency deepen its understanding of birth mothers


Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children

A Data Dashboard to Promote Postsecondary Success

Developing tools to support college access and equity


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Assessing the Landscape of Adolescent SBIRT in Colorado

The first-ever assessment of adolescent screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) implementation among the state’s health professionals


Peer Assistance Services, Inc.

Jointly Addressing Substance Use and Suicide in Colorado

First integrated SBIRT and suicide care curriculum to support Colorado trainers and health professionals


Peer Assistance Services, Inc.

National Science Foundation Secure Data Access Facility

Ensuring security while expanding access to data on science and engineering graduates


National Science Foundation

Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance Center (ETAC)

Evaluation training, TA, and rigorous evaluations for DoD sexual assault prevention activities


Department of Defense (DoD)

The Survey of Earned Doctorates

The most comprehensive annual census of new research doctorate recipients from U.S. institutions


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance Cross-System Evaluation

A first-of-its-kind evaluation to maximize the effectiveness of TTA provided to early childhood grantees


Office of Head Start and Office of Child Care in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Promoting Equitable & Culturally Responsive Practices Among Youth Leaders

Providing equitable and culturally responsive learning opportunities to help activate humanizing leadership practices


Delaware Department of Education

Data Concierge Models for a National Secure Data Service

Developing novel models and tools to assist federal data users


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Data Protection Toolkit Use Case Analysis

Using qualitative methods to evaluate the Data Protection Toolkit’s usefulness and identify possible improvements


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Secure Compute Environment Testbed (SCET)

Facilitating secure data access and enabling data linkage and sharing across federal, state, and local agencies, along with tribal organizations


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Supporting Culturally Responsive Teaching & Leading Among Delaware Educators

Developing a framework to help activate culturally responsive instructional practices in Delaware schools


Delaware Department of Education

Career & Technical Education Equity Gap Analysis and Equity Plan

Helping make career and technical training in Delaware more equitable and effective


Delaware Department of Education

Evaluating CDC’s Approaches to Enhancing Adult Immunization Uptake

A culturally responsive evaluation of CDC’s efforts to boost adult immunization uptake and reduce disparities


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention