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Massachusetts Lawyers Demographic and Law Practice Data

Man and woman looking at laptop outside building, attorneys, brand new evidence
Develop an interactive data tool to examine demographic and professional characteristics of Massachusetts lawyers
  • Client
    Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being
  • Dates
    Annually Since 2022


Increase transparency and availability of data on lawyers registered in Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) Committee on Lawyer Well-Being (Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being) wanted to increase the transparency and availability of data on lawyer demographics and employment type through an interactive dashboard on registered attorneys in Massachusetts. Every lawyer registering in Massachusetts is required to complete the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Demographic and Law Practice Survey about their demographic and employment/professional characteristics (as of November 1, 2020 per SJC Rule 4:02).


Design and develop a web-based, interactive data tool.

NORC, in collaboration with the Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being, designed an interactive data tool to allow lawyers, employers, bar associations, advocacy and service organizations, and policymakers to explore demographic, employment, and professional characteristics of lawyers in Massachusetts.


Disseminate a publicly available, interactive data tool.


NORC developed a public-facing, interactive data tool with demographic, employment, and professional characteristics of lawyers in Massachusetts presented in interactive tables, charts, and a county-level map. Dashboard users can filter by demographic identity or professional characteristics, compare subgroups of lawyers to the overall population of lawyers in Massachusetts, and examine trends over time using the online interface.

Project Leads

Other Project Leads

Jared Sawyer
Deputy Project Director


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