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Public Health Infrastructure Grant Evaluation

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Supporting the national evaluation of a groundbreaking investment to improve public health infrastructure and workforce
  • Funder
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Dates
    2022 – Present


Public health agencies need to strengthen and accelerate their capacity to promote and protect health in communities.

In the United States, governmental public health agencies provide services to promote and protect health, prepare and respond to emergency and disaster events, and improve health outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided funding to health departments through a groundbreaking investment called the Public Health Infrastructure Grant. The grant provides flexible funding to health departments to support investments in workforce, foundational capabilities, and data modernization.


NORC is supporting the design and implementation of the national evaluation of the grant.

NORC is working as part of the National Evaluation Team, led by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) and the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), to develop and implement the national evaluation of the Public Health Infrastructure Grant. The multi-year effort focuses on assessing the outcomes and impact of the grant.

NORC’s role includes:

  • Coordinating with CDC, the National Evaluation Team, and other partners
  • Leading design and development of the evaluation plan
  • Synthesizing multiple evaluation data sources, results, and products
  • Supporting analysis of recipient performance measures
  • Conducting primary data collection and secondary data analysis
  • Preparing and disseminating evaluation products and materials


The evaluation is expected to build the evidence base around public health infrastructure.

The evaluation is expected to identify best practices and lessons learned, demonstrate achievement of intended outcomes, and build the evidence base around public health workforce development, foundational capabilities, and data modernization. 

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