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Dave Baugh

Dave is a nationally recognized expert in Medicaid and CHIP data, data systems, eligibility, service use, payments, and program-oriented research.

Dave joined NORC in 2021 bringing his extensive knowledge of and experience with data from Medicaid and CHIP administrative systems, and use of these data for research, evaluation, and policy analysis.

At the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, he developed data systems for Medicaid and CHIP person-level research data systems that preceded the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information Systems (T-MSIS), such as the Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX). At Mathematica, he led the effort to develop annual research data files for Medicaid and CHIP eligibility and service use from T-MSIS, known as the T-MSIS Analytic Files (TAFs). He has also led research studies on many Medicaid-oriented topics, such as Medicaid enrollment and expenditure trends, prescribed drugs, coverage, managed care enrollment, disability, and injuries. He also led several efforts to produce Medicaid data compendiums and chart-books and served as coordinator and contributor to annual supplements of the Health Care Financing Review

At NORC, he has prepared and presented a series of seminars on the Medicaid and CHIP programs, including eligibility, service coverage, payment methods, analytic data, and use of the data for research and policy analysis. These seminars included discussion of program variation across states, managed care, program waiver authorities, and recent issues such as the opioid crisis, and the provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. In 2022, he wrote sections of a report for a NORC contract with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) on the linking of Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information (T-MSIS) data with NCHS survey data. He has also provided expert input on Medicaid and CHIP data for a substantial number of NORC projects and has serves as an internal reviewer on several draft contract proposals.

For over 25 years, he served as Chief of the Medicaid Program Studies Branch and Senior Technical Advisor at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). He provided guidance and training to staff of CMS’s Research Data Assistance Center and the Research Data Distribution Center. He served on the CMS Privacy Board to review external research requests for MAX data. He served on CMS’s Medicaid and CHIP Business Information Solutions initiatives to redesign Medicaid reporting requirements from states to CMS. He initiated numerous Inter-Agency Agreements between CMS and other federal agencies to link data across systems and provide richer analytic data for research initiatives. He also represented the CMS on a team with staff from the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and the Census Bureau on a project to investigate the reasons for the undercount of people enrolled in Medicaid in the Current Population Survey.


  • ​"Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) and Alpha-MAX Data Production: Option Year 1 Final Report."

    Project Report | May 24, 2021

    Williams, S., Baugh, D.K., Brannan, M., Jadun, C., Lemos, K., Schmitt, A., Turoff, L. and Verghese, S.
  • ​"Federal Stewardship of the Medicaid Program: Strengthening Data Systems for Effective Decision Making."

    Project Report | May 24, 2021

    Baugh, D.K., Ireys, H., Irvin, C. and Appold, C.
  • ​"T-MAX Design Report: Envisioning the Needs of MAX Users through T-MAX."

    Project Report | May 13, 2021

    Dodd, A., Kuncaitis, S. and Baugh, D.K.
  • ​"Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) and Alpha-MAX Data Production: Base Year Final Report."

    Project Report | May 13, 2021

    Willliams, S., Baugh, D.K., Farah, G., Verghese, S., Dodd, A., Schmitt, A., Jain, N. and Ruttner, L.
  • ​"Longitudinal Analytic Potential for Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) and Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) Data."

    Project Report | May 6, 2021

    Baugh, D.K., Kuncaitis, S., Wodarek O’Reilly, A., Weiss, C., Borden, W., Bencio, D. and Williams, S.
  • ​"Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) and Alpha-MAX Data Production – Option Year 1 Final Report."

    Project Report | May 6, 2021

    Baugh, D.K., Williams, S., Verghese, S., Hourihan, K., Schmitt, A., Jain, N. and Ruttner, L.
  • David Baugh Joins NORC at the University as a Senior Fellow in the Health Care Programs Research Department

    Press Release | February 24, 2021

  • "Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) and Alpha-MAX Data Production: Option Year 4 Final Report."

    Project Report | August 30, 2020

    Williams, S., Baugh, D.K. and Schmitt, A.