Peter Herman
Peter is a senior research methodologist in the Methodology & Quantitative Social Sciences department at NORC at the University of Chicago. Since joining NORC in 2016, Peter has served as an expert in web-based interactive data visualization tools and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis.
Peter has served as the lead programmer on several websites built for NORC clients, such as the Rural Health Mapping Tool, the Social Media Age Visualization, and the Obesity Prevalence & Comorbidity Map, and contributed to several others, such as the Live Crime Tracker. For the Truth Foundation, Peter built software that used kernel density analysis and spatial regression to measure the exposure of population subgroups to tobacco retail outlets. Additionally, Peter leads a team of statistical programmers on the CMS Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Monitoring project to conduct GIS analysis of provider networks. He also serves as a consultant for the Ukrainian USAID mission, providing virtual trainings and data visualization expertise. Across a variety of NORC projects, Peter builds web tools that assist in address frame creation and help monitor field performance.
Peter is also an expert in automated report generation, web development, and the R language. Peter has presented on these topics for the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference (IFD&TC), the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), and the American Statistical Association's Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM).
Quick Links
University of Pennsylvania
University of Chicago
Honors & Awards
Employee Recognition Award | 2019
NORC at the University of Chicago
Data Challenge | 2019
Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association
Project Contributions
Dementia DataHub: Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias
Map | September 1, 2024
Rural Health Mapping Tool
Map | November 1, 2022
"Image Processing for Public Health Surveillance of Tobacco Point-of-Sale Advertising: Machine Learning–Based Methodology"
Journal Article | August 27, 2021
"Estimating County-Level Vaccination Coverage Using Small Area Estimation with the National Immunization Survey-Child"
Journal Article | December 10, 2020
Tools to Learn About the Medicare Population
Interactive | November 1, 2020
"Modelling Retailer-Based Exemptions in Flavoured Tobacco Sales Restrictions: National Estimates on the Impact of Product Availability"
Journal Article | October 29, 2020
"Sociodemographic Disparities in the Tobacco Retail Environment in Washington, DC: A Spatial Perspective"
Journal Article | July 9, 2020
Drug Overdose Deaths in Appalachia
Map | March 1, 2018